Safety Workwear at Night: Minimising Risks at Work

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Safety Workwear at Night: Minimising Risks at Work

9 / July / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

If you are working during the night or in areas where you cannot be easily seen, one of the most important thing to have would be reflective safety workwear. As the name implies, the latter will have some sort of reflective material, which will make it easy for you to be seen even from afar. […]

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Summer Workwear: Being Prepared for the Heat

18 / June / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

When you are doing intense and manual labour, especially under the heat of the sun, it is important to have the right workwear. During the summer season, heat in Australia can be too hard to bear, especially for workers who need to accomplish different tasks manually. In this case, in order to be provided with […]

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Flame-Retardant Safety Workwear: Eliminate Fire Risks

28 / May / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

Wearing the right safety workwear is important in order to avoid risks within the workplace, especially those that are related to fire. With the right flame-retardant work wear, it is possible to establish a safer work environment. Every company must invest in such and provide it to their employees as a way of showing concerns […]

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Safety Boots and the Many Ways they Can Protect You

21 / May / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

If you would like to be working in an environment that is safer, one of the essentials would be safety boots. With the right safety footwear, you can work with peace of mind as you have the assurance that your feet will not suffer from any bloody injury. Whether it is caused by falling objects, […]

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The Right Workwear: Being Safe and Comfortable

14 / May / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

The right workwear can make a lot of difference. For instance, it can give you peace of mind when it comes to safety as it can provide you with the protection that you need from the many hazards within the workplace. In addition, it can also make you feel more comfortable, allowing you to move […]

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Tips on Care and Maintenance for your Workwear

30 / April / 2016


Just like with your other clothes, you should practice proper care for your workwear. The latter is important in order to retain is quality overtime, even with frequent use. Your work clothes should be treated as an investment and with such, your goal is to make it useful for a long time. This will only […]

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The Different Types of Work Wear You Can Buy

16 / April / 2016

Buying Work Clothing

With the different types of work wear that are available in the market, you might end up being overwhelmed with the alternatives, and hence, making it challenging for you to make a choice. Work clothing may vary in terms of style, materials, price, and function, among others. At all times, your first consideration would be […]

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Workwear Tips: Projecting a Powerful Image at Work

15 / March / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

With the right workwear, you will be able to command authority in the office, and hence, you will be able to obtain the respect that you deserve. This is especially important for bosses who are struggling to gain respect from the members of the workforce. More often than not, the way that you project yourself, […]

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Buying Work Boots: Things You Need to Know

12 / March / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

If you are looking for the best work boots, you will most likely end up being overwhelmed given the multiplicity of the options that will confront you. At all times, however, you should never make a decision in haste. Choosing the cheapest workboots or those with the most beautiful design may seem to be decision […]

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Hi-Vis Safety Workwear: A Quick Guide for Buyers

5 / March / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

Shopping for hi-vis safety workwear can prove to be a complicated task. Some might assume that it is as easy as choosing which one can be suited for your budget or picking high visibility clothing that fits you. In reality, however, there are other important considerations that should be kept in mind to be provide […]

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Top Reasons to Invest in High-Quality Work Wear

27 / February / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

Your work wear should be considered as an investment since it can provide long-term benefits. Given the importance of having the right work clothing, you should not skimp on such. In the same way, for employers, they should not think twice in providing their employees with nothing but the best clothing pieces. While it may […]

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A Quick Guide When Buying Safety Foot Wear

20 / February / 2016

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

Buying safety footwear will not be an easy task, especially given the fact that you will be confronted with an abundance of alternatives. Nonetheless, regardless of how overwhelming the options can prove to be, this should never be an excuse for you to decide in haste. You should exert effort in trying to differentiate your […]

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Safety Workwear: Quality Above All

25 / July / 2015

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

Quality should be the first thing you should think of when buying safety workwear. The main reason on why you are going to wear the latter is to have peace of mind that you remain safe within the workplace. Therefore, it is paramount to make sure that quality is going to be top-notch. While some […]

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Questions To Ask When Buying Work Clothing

4 / July / 2015

At The Coalface Boots, Workwear & Safety

With the right choice of work clothing, you will be able to demonstrate a higher level of productivity in your job. This means that you can move and function better, as against when you are not wearing the right types of clothes. When buying safety wear for work, on the other hand, you might be […]

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What does the different classification of Hi-Vis clothing mean?

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Steel Cap vs Composite Toe Boots: Which is Better?

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